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Time: 11.17th-11.27th,2023

Top Selling (185)

CONTEC CMS50NA OLED Fingertip oxymeter spo2,PR monitor Blood Oxygen Pulse oximeter


CONTEC CMS50M Pulse Oximeter Fingertip blood oxygen saturation SpO2,PR monitor LED


CONTEC Digital Blood Pressure Monitor CONTEC08A 4cuffs


Adult Large Cuff 33 to 47 cm Arm Adult single-tube cuff For Patient Monitor/ABPM50/PM50


CONTEC08A-VET Digital Veterinary Blood Pressure Monitor NIBP PC Software, Dog/Cat


ABPM50 24H Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor with 3 cuffs child+adult+large adult


Adult Cuff 25 to 35cm Arm Adult single-tube cuff For Patient Monitor CMS7000/8000/9200 or ABPM50NIBP


Recording Printer paper For CONTEC ECG1200G/ECG1212G/E12/E18M ECG Machine EKG Electrocardiograph 210mm*20m


MS400 Multiparameter Simulator multi-parameter Color Touch patient monitor


CONTEC Child Cuff 18 to 26 cm Pediatric single-tube cuff For Patient Monitor NIBP Blood


CONTEC New Adult/Child/Neonatal SpO2 Probe Reusable Sensor For CMS6000/CMS6500/CMS6800/CMS7000/CMS8000 /CMS9200/TS1/TS13/TS15 Patient Monitor
