High and low pressure, which high is more dangerous? More difficult to cure?

by CONTEC__Jokee on November 21, 2019
In order to be able to supply enough nutrients and oxygen to the body, our heart can't stop beating for a moment. When our heart contracts, it will output blood to the whole body. The blood pressure generated at this time is systolic blood pressure (high pressure); when our heart is dilated, the blood will flow back into the heart, and the blood pressure generated at this time is diastolic blood pressure (low pressure). ).

For a person with normal blood pressure, the "high pressure" should be maintained between 90-120mmHg, and the "low pressure" should be maintained between 60-90mmHg. In a sense, systolic blood pressure is more representative of the health of the heart, while diastolic blood pressure is more representative of the health of the surrounding blood vessels.

Clinically, whether "high pressure" is higher than 140 mmHg or "low pressure" is higher than 90 mmHg, as long as there is one high, it will be diagnosed as hypertension. From the diagnostic criteria of hypertension, systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure are equally harmful, which is more dangerous.

In hypertensive patients with high systolic blood pressure, the incidence of a cerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and stable angina is higher; and in patients with hypertension with high diastolic blood pressure, the incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm is higher. These diseases are fatal and there is no more dangerous problem.

For most hypertensive patients, there is a general rule that the diastolic blood pressure of younger patients with hypertension is relatively higher, while the systolic blood pressure of older hypertensive patients is relatively higher. In some elderly hypertensive patients, the systolic blood pressure will continue to increase with age and disease duration, and the diastolic blood pressure will not increase or even decrease. The increase in pulse pressure difference (the difference between high pressure and low pressure) is also a major hazard to cardiovascular health. For elderly hypertensive patients, high blood pressure is a greater threat to their health, and treatment medications should be more cautious.

There is currently no hypertension drug that can only reduce systolic blood pressure (high pressure) without reducing diastolic blood pressure (low pressure). An experienced doctor will take the following medication principles when treating elderly hypertensive patients with diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) below 60 mmHg:

1. If the systolic pressure (high pressure) does not exceed 150mmHg, no antihypertensive drugs can be used;

2, if the systolic pressure (high pressure) is between 150-179 mmHg, careful use of small doses;

3. If the systolic pressure (high pressure) is higher than 180 mmHg, it can be administered in small doses.

For these more specific elderly hypertensive patients, diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) is too low, which may trigger the occurrence of ischemic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Special care must be taken in the use of antihypertensive drugs. In addition to strictly following the doctor's advice, it is very important to return to the hospital regularly every month.

For younger patients with hypertension, especially those under 55 years of age, it is very important to strive to control blood pressure to the standard level (120/80 mmHg). After all, these friends are still coming to Japan. These hypertensive patients should be the first choice for “sartan” or “Puli” antihypertensive drugs. They can also protect their “target organs” while antihypertensive therapy; if the diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) is too high, In the case of increased heart rate, you can choose "Lol" antihypertensive drugs, while antihypertensive treatment can also play a certain role in cardioprotection.

In short, antihypertensive therapy is a very personal thing. Patients of different ages, patients with different blood pressure characteristics, patients with different cardiovascular conditions, and the dangers of hypertension also have different prominent aspects, and there is a big difference in medication.

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